Des Plaines Park District

Prevailing Wage

Prevailing Wage Act

The District complies with provisions of the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act and changes to made to the Act in Public Act 100-1177.  Effective June 1, 2019, the Des Plaines Park District is no longer required to approve an annual prevailing wage ordinance determining the prevailing wage rate that has been ascertained by the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL).  Instead, the prevailing wage schedule published by IDOL’s website will automatically set the applicable wage rates for each locality.

The current prevailing wage rates may be obtained from the Illinois Department of Labor’s website at the link provided below.  For rates applicable to the Des Plaines Park District, please choose the schedule for Cook County.

Donald Miletic
Secretary, Board of Commissioners
Des Plaines Park District

Administrative & Leisure Center2222 Birch Street • 847-391-5700

Golf Center Des Plaines353 N. River Road • 847-803-GOLF

Lake Park Golf Course & Marina1015 Howard Avenue • 847-391-5730

Mountain View Adventure Center510 E. Algonquin Road • 847-391-5733

Mystic Waters2025 Miner Street • 847-391-5740

Prairie Lakes Aquatic Center515 E. Thacker Street • 847-390-4949

Prairie Lakes Community Center515 E. Thacker Street • 847-391-5711