Featuring an 8-lane, 25-yard Lap & Competition Pool, a Splash Pad and a large Wellness Pool. Home of the Des Plaines Park District Warrior Swim Team.
515 E. Thacker Street • Main entrance is on
the South-West side of the Prairie Lakes Complex.
Regular Hours and Admission
Click on the link below for our schedule:
Day Time
M-TH 5:30a–9:30p
F 5:30a–7:00p
SA 8:00a–7:00p
SU 8:00a–7:00p
- During regular operations, no reservations are needed for the lap pool, wellness pool, or splash pad.
- Please make sure to check below for any special hours, events, or programming
- *Splash Pad opens daily at 9:00a
- The Splashpad will be closed for Private Parties on:
- Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00a–11:00a and 4:00–5:00p
- The Full Facility May Be Closed due to Rentals
- Fridays and Saturdays at 7:00p
- The Wellness Pool is closed due to programming
- Saturdays from 9:00-2:00p
- Monday-Thursday from 5:00-7:00p
Daily Admissions (per person) R/NR
Lap Swim and Wellness Pool $11/$14
Splash Pad $5/$7
Open Family Swim $11/$14
Special Hours
Full Facility
- Full facility will be closed
- March 1st, ALL DAY due to the Championship Meet
- April 5th from 12:30-5:00p due to Floating Egg hunt
- April 20th, ALL DAY due to Easter
- Public Swim will be from 12:00-8:00p on the following dates
- Sunday March 23-April 1
Lap Pool
- The Lap Pool will have limited lanes from 1:00-5:00p due to lifeguard classes on the following dates
- February 22 and 23
- March 22 and 23
- April 12 and 13
- April 26 and 27
- The Lap Pool will close at 5:30p on February 28th due to a rental
- The Lap Pool will have limited lanes from 7:00-9:30p due Warriors Swim Team Practice on the following dates
- March 3, 4, and 6
- The Lap Pool will have limited lanes from 11:00-3:00p on March 25th due to rental
- The Lap Pool will close at 5:30p on February 21st, March 28th and April 18th for Wibit Night
- No Dates
Splash Pad
- No Dates
Upcoming Events
- Wibit Night
- Family Night with Wibits at our indoor pool starting at 6:00p in our lap pool
- February 21st, March 28th, and April 18th
- Public Swim
- Will take place from 12:00-8:00p on the following dates
- Sunday March 23-April 1
- Floating Egg Hunt
- Join us at Prairie Lakes EGGquatic Center for our Floating Egg Hunt! In the pool there will be hundreds of eggs to find and collect, just make sure to bring your own basket. Guests are welcomed to stay and swim afterwards till their group time slot is over. The egg hunt begins promptly at the times listed so please arrive early for check in.Location: Prairie Lakes Aquatic Center. Date/Day: April 5th. Max: 25 per age group time slot.
Group A – Fee R/NR: $7/$12
Age Time Location
1–3 1:00p start Splash Pad
4–6 1:15p start Wellness Pool
7–10 1:30p start Lap Pool
Parents are allowed in the water to help their non-swimming children. Life jackets are available.
Group A ends at 2:30p.
Group B – Fee R/NR: $10/$15
Age Time Location
1–3 3:00p start Splash Pad
4–6 3:15p start Wellness Pool
7–10 3:30p start Lap Pool
Parents are allowed in the water to help their non-swimming children. Life jackets are available.
Group B ends at 4:30p.
- Pirates and Princesses (Ages 2–10)
- AHOY- calling all pirates and princesses, join us at Prairie Lakes Aquatic Center. Avast, our older friends will search the warm waters of the Wellness Pool for treasure whilst our younger friends will search the Splash Pad. Yo ho ho! Crafts and treats included.
Location: Prairie Lakes Aquatic Center, Splash Pad. R/NR Fee: $10/$15
*Fee is per person, please register all children and adults
Date Day Time
May 3 SA 1:00-3:00p